Firstly though, the results. While at the beginning of the poll things seemed to be going in favour of the gorgeous Thandie (well I think she is any way), the tables turned at the mid way point. From personal feedback, namely being from Philip Glenister Index. It was discovered that most of the no voters, seemed to be female. Hmmm perhaps if the new lead character was male like Sam, and played by a pretty boy such as Brad Pitt for example, we may have seen the same from male voters. Just speculating really, ahem.
The results ended up being quite close with the Yes voters being 41%, the No voters being 46% and the undecided or maybe voters being a total of 14%.

I also mentioned we were starting a new poll, well its next to this post you can't miss it. The new poll asks the question, "What are you looking forward to seeing the most in Ashes To Ashes?". I've cast my vote, I'm for the Gene - Genie? So what are you looking forward to? This time around the poll includes an "other" section where you can place your own option if its not listed, please don't abuse this. 'Til next time Martians, peace and funk to funky!
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