Andrew, though previously unknown to myself looks to have had quite an extensive career. I am sure Ashes To Ashes will help him even further, his skills cover multiple accents including an Australian one. I bet you can't out-Australian me though Andrew, 10 points for trying though. On top of acting Andrew apparently has actually been a clown as well as a stand-up comedian, MC, Mime, swimmer and a multitude of other things. Let's welcome Andrew to the house of A2A, with skills like I've mentioned I am sure he will impress.
Besides Andrew's inclusion in the cast, more information about Montserrat Lombard's role has been revealed. Montserrat's character WPC Sharon "Shaz" Granger, has been listed on IMDB as being included in 4 episodes. Shaz? Hmm, sounds like a character from "Kath & Kim". With 4 episodes, Montserrat's "Shaz" could possibly be the A2A equivalent of Phylis. On the other hand it has been previously mentioned that Chris (Marshall Lancaster) has a girlfriend in this series, maybe Shaz is Chris's Annie? More guess work there, yours is as good as mine. If you have any clues as to what Montserrat's character does other than the obvious fact she's a copper, please let me know in the comments section.
'Til next time Martians, peace and may the A2A news be with you ........ always.
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