Children In Need and Ashes To Ashes? What now children need Gene to stomp on their toys? Well if they're fans they might, any way back to the pictures. Below you find a couple of happy and not so happy pictures, snapped at a location shoot. One of them sees Gene back in form, about to belt the crap out of a suspect. Perhaps Alex will set him straight on this behaviour, Sam's attempts appear to have failed.

Oh, can I get away with saying that? This is Ashes To Ashes and not Life On Mars after all. Next up we have Keeley looking extremely cute with Dean and a weird expression which can only be described as goofball. Next to this, Keeley tries to out-do Dean with an interesting head scarf. This was apparently to protect the precious perm from the rain. I know how it is Keeley, I had one in the 80's too.

Finally, we have 2 pictures of Phil and Keeley. The first looks like Phil is bluetoothing Keeley something interesting, perhaps the picture of Dean from above. Whatever the case, Keeley looks amused by it. The second of these candid pictures features Phil looking less than impressed, by the photograph. You can kind guess what he's thinking, "bleeding photographers, can't I get get 5 seconds to myself!". Or something similar, its pretty obvious he's not happy about it.

Now back to Ian Wylie. Ian has recently posted an article on his blog from the set visit he made, where he interviews Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharoah. The article mentions the producers are already talking multiple series for show. This is a good sign, they also mention Sam Tyler fate. So for some up to date goss on whats going on, head on over to The Life Of Wylie. Ian will set you all straight, he also offers an audio statement from Mr Graham himself. I tried to listen to it myself, but it sounded like a kidnappers statement of demands. Maybe this is just what I get for being in Australia, but the clip sounds stretched from my end and rather garbled. Hopefully, you can hear it with more success than myself. If not, perhaps mention it to Ian in the comments. I am sure it is easily fixed. 'Til next time Martians peace, and may the news be a little more forth coming.
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