Greetings Martians, it is with great pleasure I can inform you that filming is now completed on Series 1 of Ashes To Ashes. Dean Andrews reports on his official blog that filming is now complete, and what a relief it must be for the cast. Just in time for Christmas.
Dean reports to have seen episodes 1 to 6, and is very pleased about how things have turned out. He states the show meets the high standards set by LOM and praises the writing team, the cast and everyone involved. He also discusses a recent photo shoot for FHM, with Phil and Marshall. Speaking of Phil, his official site reports that no more updates will be done until early next year. Phil has a special Christmas message for all there as well.
The BBC have now put out a press release, featuring Phil and Keeley leaning against the Audi. For some reason the Audi appears more red than orange, as it appeared in previous pictures I have posted for you here. Probably just the lighting. The same photo is also featured in BBC1 winter spring schedule, only in a much larger size.
In site news has nearly reached 10,000 visitors, which it looks at achieving by Christmas. I thought this to be worth mentioning, seeing as Ashes hasn't even aired yet. Some blog writers get all the luck, and Ian Wylie of the Manchester Evening News is one of them. Recently Ian received a promo dvd for A2A, and posted a photo of it to rub it in. Almost as if to say I've seen it and you haven't, well it would make a good cartoon anyway. Perhaps I'll do one.
'Til next time Martians peace, and if I don't post again before the 25th Merry Christmas all.
AshesToAshes.TV is a fan-blog dedicated to all things, Ashes To Ashes. The site covers the original BBC series Ashes To Ashes, spin-off of the cult series Life On Mars. It also covers general news about casting, merchandise, fanclubs, websites and other related news.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Set Pictures You Thought I Had Forgotten About (PART 2)
Okay back again with part 2 of the long awaited set pictures. Before you check them out, some quick news about Ashes To Ashes. According to Dean Andrew's official site, filming of episodes one to six are all complete now. Dean has been given the scripts for the final 2 episodes separately, for some reason. He goes on to mention that its the writers teasing them about it. Hmmm, writers teasing. If this were being produced in the US at the moment, I doubt he would have described it that way.
Its also quite possible that the series may not of been able to be completed either, poor Americans. I guess they will just have to suffer with repeats and reality rubbish, until their strike is over. After all reality TV was apparently born as a result of a previous writers strike there (so my brother tells me anyway). On the other hand if they networks are greedy enough, they may start waving dollars in front of foreign writers to complete work on shows. With that only time will tell, but that's irrelevant to A2A we'll move on.
Dean has also now joined fellow cast mate Philip Glenister in the online community recently by launching his own blog, where he actually chats to the fans. Good on ya Dean! The blog if you want to check it out for yourselves, is an off-shoot from his official site which is put together by none other than Fran Davies of Philip Glenister Index fame. Busy busy lady Fran is, both sites are awesome and well worth your investigation if you haven't been to either of them. If you want to check them out, look no further than the links tab on the sidebar.
Back to Phil now. Phil was recently interviewed by "The Guardian" about the soon to be shown "Cranford Chronicles", where he also lets slip a few bits about A2A. For the last couple of months, the writers had been letting us know that Keeley Hawes' character Alex Drake would be referred to as "Posh Knickers". Phil dispels these rumours by letting us know she's called "Bolly". Bolly want a cracker? This blogger will give you one. Tsk, tsk, keep it clean Mr Cyberman. Phil also mentions "The Clash", though whether they will be featured in the soundtrack is probably still up in the air. You can vote for them in site poll here if you like, which Duran Duran seem to be leading at this stage. The poll will be finishing soon, so if you haven't voted yet hurry up!
Now the pictures. The following are more pictures courtesy of the wonderful Mike, from the Delorean Owners Club of the UK. Below we can see a street blocked off, what looks like Gene with car trouble, the local restaurant still being assembled, some cast chairs (yes they do sit down). Finally what I like to call the Vandalorean. Your car won't be hard to find now Mike with all those autographs on it, of course I'm speaking crap again.

Well I hope you all enjoyed those, more soon hopefully. More video would be nice too, we'll just have to wait and see. 'Til next time Burn Victims peace, and remember pastel jumpers and rats are cool. Yeah right.
Its also quite possible that the series may not of been able to be completed either, poor Americans. I guess they will just have to suffer with repeats and reality rubbish, until their strike is over. After all reality TV was apparently born as a result of a previous writers strike there (so my brother tells me anyway). On the other hand if they networks are greedy enough, they may start waving dollars in front of foreign writers to complete work on shows. With that only time will tell, but that's irrelevant to A2A we'll move on.
Dean has also now joined fellow cast mate Philip Glenister in the online community recently by launching his own blog, where he actually chats to the fans. Good on ya Dean! The blog if you want to check it out for yourselves, is an off-shoot from his official site which is put together by none other than Fran Davies of Philip Glenister Index fame. Busy busy lady Fran is, both sites are awesome and well worth your investigation if you haven't been to either of them. If you want to check them out, look no further than the links tab on the sidebar.
Back to Phil now. Phil was recently interviewed by "The Guardian" about the soon to be shown "Cranford Chronicles", where he also lets slip a few bits about A2A. For the last couple of months, the writers had been letting us know that Keeley Hawes' character Alex Drake would be referred to as "Posh Knickers". Phil dispels these rumours by letting us know she's called "Bolly". Bolly want a cracker? This blogger will give you one. Tsk, tsk, keep it clean Mr Cyberman. Phil also mentions "The Clash", though whether they will be featured in the soundtrack is probably still up in the air. You can vote for them in site poll here if you like, which Duran Duran seem to be leading at this stage. The poll will be finishing soon, so if you haven't voted yet hurry up!
Now the pictures. The following are more pictures courtesy of the wonderful Mike, from the Delorean Owners Club of the UK. Below we can see a street blocked off, what looks like Gene with car trouble, the local restaurant still being assembled, some cast chairs (yes they do sit down). Finally what I like to call the Vandalorean. Your car won't be hard to find now Mike with all those autographs on it, of course I'm speaking crap again.

Well I hope you all enjoyed those, more soon hopefully. More video would be nice too, we'll just have to wait and see. 'Til next time Burn Victims peace, and remember pastel jumpers and rats are cool. Yeah right.
A2A Season One,
Dean Andrews,
Philip Glenister,
Site News
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Set Pictures You Thought I Had Forgotten About (PART 1)
That's right "Martians" / "Burn Victims" / "What ever you want to call yourselves", I haven't forgotten them. Several posts ago I mentioned to you all that I had more pictures, for you. Many of you were probably thinking, "This Cyberman character, he's full of it! Says one thing, does something else." Well the wait is over, and as you can see by the part 1 on the end of the title more are to come. This will be sooner, rather than later too so keep checking back.
This first lot that I'm putting up for you now, were pointed out to me by Kevin from Rorky Corky. Thanks a lot Kevin and sorry for the delay. Below you will find 5 pictures of the new Brixton police station, in all its glory. On top of this we have Marshall and Dean, in what looks like a typical run through. Marshall is biting his tongue in one picture, perhaps to take his mind off the pain caused by those extremely tight jeans. Marshall, Marshall, Marshall what will we do? Speaking of the "Div", the man now seems to be the only main cast member without an official site. Its a problem easily solved though, all he has to do is ask someone. Sorry Marshall just pointing out the obvious.

(Pictures courtesy of Kevin)
Well I hope you have all enjoyed today's ramblings, I am writing this rather late at night where I am and I am now off to bed. I will post you some more pictures, when I arise. 'Til next time peoples, peace and may the set pictures flow.
This first lot that I'm putting up for you now, were pointed out to me by Kevin from Rorky Corky. Thanks a lot Kevin and sorry for the delay. Below you will find 5 pictures of the new Brixton police station, in all its glory. On top of this we have Marshall and Dean, in what looks like a typical run through. Marshall is biting his tongue in one picture, perhaps to take his mind off the pain caused by those extremely tight jeans. Marshall, Marshall, Marshall what will we do? Speaking of the "Div", the man now seems to be the only main cast member without an official site. Its a problem easily solved though, all he has to do is ask someone. Sorry Marshall just pointing out the obvious.

Well I hope you have all enjoyed today's ramblings, I am writing this rather late at night where I am and I am now off to bed. I will post you some more pictures, when I arise. 'Til next time peoples, peace and may the set pictures flow.
A2A Season One,
Dean Andrews,
Site News
Monday, November 5, 2007
Ashes In Need Commercial
Yesterday Martians, I presented you with some stills from the commercial. I did this to be different, because the video had been posted elsewhere. Also because I have a problem with Youtube, as soon as anything decent is posted its taken down for copyright infringement, even commercials. This I find totalitarian and stupid as well. What is the problem with a company or tv show getting free advertising? In my view this should be embraced not stopped.
With the case of LOM or A2A, all it is really doing is promoting the product to foreign markets. This in the long term is surely beneficial, isn't it? I mean that was how I found out about the show in the first place. It is also the reason why a lot of my previously posted videos no longer function. Don't get me wrong I don't endorse theft, but come on trailers, ads, interviews, etc... this seems a bit obsessive at the least. Well that's today's rant, here's the video let's see how long it takes to get removed. Enjoy!
(Ashes To Ashes - Children In Need Promo)
With the case of LOM or A2A, all it is really doing is promoting the product to foreign markets. This in the long term is surely beneficial, isn't it? I mean that was how I found out about the show in the first place. It is also the reason why a lot of my previously posted videos no longer function. Don't get me wrong I don't endorse theft, but come on trailers, ads, interviews, etc... this seems a bit obsessive at the least. Well that's today's rant, here's the video let's see how long it takes to get removed. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
The Children In Need Tease
Back again Martians, as I mentioned in the previous post there is currently an A2A promo for Children In Need airing on BBC3. The promo involves Gene Hunt giving a driving lesson to some young girl. For those of you who haven't seen the advertisement, I have included some stills below for you to enjoy. Not a great deal happens in the ad, other Gene scaring the the crap out of the girl with his driving.
In addition to Gene, Ray and Chris are also featured as back-seat drivers. Ray gives his 10p worth on Genes driving, stating that he is always like that. Chris hardly says anything in it. One of the most entertaining parts of it would have to be the name of the driving school, "What The L - Driving School". Rather aptly named, indeed. Here they are, enjoy.

(What The L - Driving School)
More pictures soon. 'Til next time Martians peace, and what the L will you be watching on the 16th of November?
In addition to Gene, Ray and Chris are also featured as back-seat drivers. Ray gives his 10p worth on Genes driving, stating that he is always like that. Chris hardly says anything in it. One of the most entertaining parts of it would have to be the name of the driving school, "What The L - Driving School". Rather aptly named, indeed. Here they are, enjoy.

More pictures soon. 'Til next time Martians peace, and what the L will you be watching on the 16th of November?
Dean Andrews,
Marshall Lancaster,
Philip Glenister
No Martians, its not something new to download to your iPod. The title of this post, actually means what it says a clown has been cast in A2A. At this stage the episode the clown is to be featured in, has yet to be revealed. I am sure we will all know soon enough though. The character of the clown is to be played by Andrew Clover, and has been confirmed on the RBM Actors website. You can check it out for yourselves here.

(Andrew Clover - The Clown)
Andrew, though previously unknown to myself looks to have had quite an extensive career. I am sure Ashes To Ashes will help him even further, his skills cover multiple accents including an Australian one. I bet you can't out-Australian me though Andrew, 10 points for trying though. On top of acting Andrew apparently has actually been a clown as well as a stand-up comedian, MC, Mime, swimmer and a multitude of other things. Let's welcome Andrew to the house of A2A, with skills like I've mentioned I am sure he will impress.
Besides Andrew's inclusion in the cast, more information about Montserrat Lombard's role has been revealed. Montserrat's character WPC Sharon "Shaz" Granger, has been listed on IMDB as being included in 4 episodes. Shaz? Hmm, sounds like a character from "Kath & Kim". With 4 episodes, Montserrat's "Shaz" could possibly be the A2A equivalent of Phylis. On the other hand it has been previously mentioned that Chris (Marshall Lancaster) has a girlfriend in this series, maybe Shaz is Chris's Annie? More guess work there, yours is as good as mine. If you have any clues as to what Montserrat's character does other than the obvious fact she's a copper, please let me know in the comments section.
'Til next time Martians, peace and may the A2A news be with you ........ always.

Andrew, though previously unknown to myself looks to have had quite an extensive career. I am sure Ashes To Ashes will help him even further, his skills cover multiple accents including an Australian one. I bet you can't out-Australian me though Andrew, 10 points for trying though. On top of acting Andrew apparently has actually been a clown as well as a stand-up comedian, MC, Mime, swimmer and a multitude of other things. Let's welcome Andrew to the house of A2A, with skills like I've mentioned I am sure he will impress.
Besides Andrew's inclusion in the cast, more information about Montserrat Lombard's role has been revealed. Montserrat's character WPC Sharon "Shaz" Granger, has been listed on IMDB as being included in 4 episodes. Shaz? Hmm, sounds like a character from "Kath & Kim". With 4 episodes, Montserrat's "Shaz" could possibly be the A2A equivalent of Phylis. On the other hand it has been previously mentioned that Chris (Marshall Lancaster) has a girlfriend in this series, maybe Shaz is Chris's Annie? More guess work there, yours is as good as mine. If you have any clues as to what Montserrat's character does other than the obvious fact she's a copper, please let me know in the comments section.
'Til next time Martians, peace and may the A2A news be with you ........ always.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Pictures Tell A Thousand Words?
Greetings Martians, over the last month we have had quite a few developments on the A2A front. Everyone's favourite journalist hero Ian Wylie making a set visit, and interviewing the gang (no not the Famous Five, sorry Enid) as well as Matthew Graham. More casting confirmations and various new pictures circulating on the web. On top of all of this, an apparent A2A special for Children In Need. The Children In Need Special, is only speculation at this stage but why not hey? They do it for Doctor Who, why not A2A. Lets keep our fingers crossed on that one, apparently a trailer has been airing on BBC3 for CIN featuring Gene giving someone a driving lesson. Chris and Ray are also featured in the trailer in the back seat.
Children In Need and Ashes To Ashes? What now children need Gene to stomp on their toys? Well if they're fans they might, any way back to the pictures. Below you find a couple of happy and not so happy pictures, snapped at a location shoot. One of them sees Gene back in form, about to belt the crap out of a suspect. Perhaps Alex will set him straight on this behaviour, Sam's attempts appear to have failed.

(Gene Hunt - the lawman, beating up the wrong guy . . .)
Oh, can I get away with saying that? This is Ashes To Ashes and not Life On Mars after all. Next up we have Keeley looking extremely cute with Dean and a weird expression which can only be described as goofball. Next to this, Keeley tries to out-do Dean with an interesting head scarf. This was apparently to protect the precious perm from the rain. I know how it is Keeley, I had one in the 80's too.

(Keeley - looking cute & weird, Dean - no description necessary)
Finally, we have 2 pictures of Phil and Keeley. The first looks like Phil is bluetoothing Keeley something interesting, perhaps the picture of Dean from above. Whatever the case, Keeley looks amused by it. The second of these candid pictures features Phil looking less than impressed, by the photograph. You can kind guess what he's thinking, "bleeding photographers, can't I get get 5 seconds to myself!". Or something similar, its pretty obvious he's not happy about it.

(Bluetooth Fun & Piss Off Paparazzi)
Now back to Ian Wylie. Ian has recently posted an article on his blog from the set visit he made, where he interviews Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharoah. The article mentions the producers are already talking multiple series for show. This is a good sign, they also mention Sam Tyler fate. So for some up to date goss on whats going on, head on over to The Life Of Wylie. Ian will set you all straight, he also offers an audio statement from Mr Graham himself. I tried to listen to it myself, but it sounded like a kidnappers statement of demands. Maybe this is just what I get for being in Australia, but the clip sounds stretched from my end and rather garbled. Hopefully, you can hear it with more success than myself. If not, perhaps mention it to Ian in the comments. I am sure it is easily fixed. 'Til next time Martians peace, and may the news be a little more forth coming.
Children In Need and Ashes To Ashes? What now children need Gene to stomp on their toys? Well if they're fans they might, any way back to the pictures. Below you find a couple of happy and not so happy pictures, snapped at a location shoot. One of them sees Gene back in form, about to belt the crap out of a suspect. Perhaps Alex will set him straight on this behaviour, Sam's attempts appear to have failed.

Oh, can I get away with saying that? This is Ashes To Ashes and not Life On Mars after all. Next up we have Keeley looking extremely cute with Dean and a weird expression which can only be described as goofball. Next to this, Keeley tries to out-do Dean with an interesting head scarf. This was apparently to protect the precious perm from the rain. I know how it is Keeley, I had one in the 80's too.

Finally, we have 2 pictures of Phil and Keeley. The first looks like Phil is bluetoothing Keeley something interesting, perhaps the picture of Dean from above. Whatever the case, Keeley looks amused by it. The second of these candid pictures features Phil looking less than impressed, by the photograph. You can kind guess what he's thinking, "bleeding photographers, can't I get get 5 seconds to myself!". Or something similar, its pretty obvious he's not happy about it.

Now back to Ian Wylie. Ian has recently posted an article on his blog from the set visit he made, where he interviews Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharoah. The article mentions the producers are already talking multiple series for show. This is a good sign, they also mention Sam Tyler fate. So for some up to date goss on whats going on, head on over to The Life Of Wylie. Ian will set you all straight, he also offers an audio statement from Mr Graham himself. I tried to listen to it myself, but it sounded like a kidnappers statement of demands. Maybe this is just what I get for being in Australia, but the clip sounds stretched from my end and rather garbled. Hopefully, you can hear it with more success than myself. If not, perhaps mention it to Ian in the comments. I am sure it is easily fixed. 'Til next time Martians peace, and may the news be a little more forth coming.
A2A Season One,
Dean Andrews,
Keeley Hawes,
Philip Glenister
Monday, October 1, 2007
A2A: Behind The Scenes Video #1
Greetings again Martians, as promised the video I mentioned in the previous post. This a compilation of short clips posted from various sources, the owner of these wishes to remain anonymous. So anonymous he / she / they will remain. As for the pictures I mentioned they are still coming, so keep checking back. In the interim enjoy this video backed with the obvious choice of music, you guessed it Ashes To Ashes.
Will this song be included in the soundtrack? You would think so, for that reason I haven't included it as an option in the new poll. Though if you want to hear it or vote for it, you can still do so through the "other" option. For now, enjoy what is hopefully the first of many videos of our favourite or second favourite show. I had to say that, otherwise I'd be discounting LOM and I won't do that.
A2A filming, featuring the new HQ (Brixton)
'Til next time Martians peace, unless you want to make noise about the video.
Will this song be included in the soundtrack? You would think so, for that reason I haven't included it as an option in the new poll. Though if you want to hear it or vote for it, you can still do so through the "other" option. For now, enjoy what is hopefully the first of many videos of our favourite or second favourite show. I had to say that, otherwise I'd be discounting LOM and I won't do that.
A2A filming, featuring the new HQ (Brixton)
'Til next time Martians peace, unless you want to make noise about the video.
Second Poll Results
Greetings Martians, back again with the long awaited second poll results. Yeah right. This poll out lived its welcome by a month or two, too many. The reason, you are asking? Well to be quite frank, its quite difficult to come up with something to write a poll about thats both relevant to the show and worthwhile at the same time. Why? I don't even need to answer that, but I will. The series has not been shown yet, as if you didn't know.
Okay, trivialites and bitching aside the poll seemed over after the second week with virtually everyone voting for our favourite Guv, Gene Hunt. For this reason I decided to let it go so to speak, so as the other options might at least get a couple of votes. After all poll isn't a poll if only 10 people vote in it, its simply a survey of a couple of mates. Well this became a poll after the time was extended, I'm digressing though you want the results.
After our obvious winner the breakdown went as follows . . . .

The next highest scorer in the poll went the soundtrack, for this reason I've made it the topic of the next poll. Everything else scored fairly lowly, the "other" option gave some strange answers. One of them was simply Alex, this makes sense you want to see more of her than just bad hair days. Well I've got news for you, the show is set in the '80s. All days were bad hair days then, didn't you know? The other "other" votes were blank, so there's nothing about A2A these 2 voters want see. Makes you wonder why they would even come to this site, to begin with doesn't it?
Next up I have some thanks to issue, for all of the wonderful set pics I've posted so far. Firstly as usual (ladies before gentlemen "this is un-pc by the way) the lovely Fran from PGI and Dean Andrews Official site, secondly Mike the legend from the Delorean Owners Cub of the UK (whose Delorean is featured in the show). Janet or "Wibble" (from TRA) and finally Kevin who's pictures I am yet to post (and from places unknown). Kevin your pictures will be posted shortly, along with the pictures I will also be posting our first Behind the Scenes video. This will be in the next post, later today.
'Til next Martians peace, and you all give good poll. That's POLL not POLE!
Okay, trivialites and bitching aside the poll seemed over after the second week with virtually everyone voting for our favourite Guv, Gene Hunt. For this reason I decided to let it go so to speak, so as the other options might at least get a couple of votes. After all poll isn't a poll if only 10 people vote in it, its simply a survey of a couple of mates. Well this became a poll after the time was extended, I'm digressing though you want the results.
After our obvious winner the breakdown went as follows . . . .

The next highest scorer in the poll went the soundtrack, for this reason I've made it the topic of the next poll. Everything else scored fairly lowly, the "other" option gave some strange answers. One of them was simply Alex, this makes sense you want to see more of her than just bad hair days. Well I've got news for you, the show is set in the '80s. All days were bad hair days then, didn't you know? The other "other" votes were blank, so there's nothing about A2A these 2 voters want see. Makes you wonder why they would even come to this site, to begin with doesn't it?
Next up I have some thanks to issue, for all of the wonderful set pics I've posted so far. Firstly as usual (ladies before gentlemen "this is un-pc by the way) the lovely Fran from PGI and Dean Andrews Official site, secondly Mike the legend from the Delorean Owners Cub of the UK (whose Delorean is featured in the show). Janet or "Wibble" (from TRA) and finally Kevin who's pictures I am yet to post (and from places unknown). Kevin your pictures will be posted shortly, along with the pictures I will also be posting our first Behind the Scenes video. This will be in the next post, later today.
'Til next Martians peace, and you all give good poll. That's POLL not POLE!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Some People Drive Lemons, Not The Gene-Genie
With confirmation now that Gene wont be driving the Delorean, and that he will be driving the promised Audi, you now want to see it. Well the car will not be easily missed due to its colour. By the looks of the latest Nike sneakers out, the Air Force XXV, it looks like they have taken a few fashion tips from Gene. The picture below is another courtesy of Mike from the Delorean Owners Club of the UK, this one though has been "borrowed" from Philip Glenister (but modified some what).

(Gene Hunt's Laudi-Audi)
One thing is for certain, even if Gene doesn't use the siren he won't be sneaking up on his "Southern Nancy Scum" in this car. The criminals will be able to see Gene now from miles away. Previously I had mentioned Simon Le Bon in one of my posts. If a Duran Duran appearance has anything to with Deloreans then I picked the wrong band member. Andy Taylor apparently once owned, or still owns one.
In site news, I am now closing the poll finally. Its out lived its welcome and the outcome is pretty obvious. Details will be published in the next post, the next poll will cover events of 1981 you'd like to see featured in the show. One thing I'd personally like to see, is the Yorkshire Ripper being caught. Maybe Gene could be responsible for catching him. 'Til next time Martians / Burn Victims, peace and so much going under cover.

One thing is for certain, even if Gene doesn't use the siren he won't be sneaking up on his "Southern Nancy Scum" in this car. The criminals will be able to see Gene now from miles away. Previously I had mentioned Simon Le Bon in one of my posts. If a Duran Duran appearance has anything to with Deloreans then I picked the wrong band member. Andy Taylor apparently once owned, or still owns one.
In site news, I am now closing the poll finally. Its out lived its welcome and the outcome is pretty obvious. Details will be published in the next post, the next poll will cover events of 1981 you'd like to see featured in the show. One thing I'd personally like to see, is the Yorkshire Ripper being caught. Maybe Gene could be responsible for catching him. 'Til next time Martians / Burn Victims, peace and so much going under cover.
Sometimes Ranting Pays Off!
Hello everyone, if you read my last post you probably thought to yourself "he over did the Delorean bit". Maybe I did, maybe I'll give you all some more or maybe I won't. The post attracted quite a bit of attention for this site, resulting in the owner of the Delorean featured in the upcoming episode contacting me. Thanks Mike. Mike is a member of the Delorean Owners Club of the UK, which you can find a link to it over on the links tab. The DMC-12 featured in the episode, unlike the famous Cortina in Life On Mars actually uses its real plates. So if you are out and about, and happen to spy the car say hi to Mike for us.
Mike cleared up a few things for us about the car and other cars used in Ashes To Ashes. I can't say too much without getting him in trouble, but what I can tell you is the Delorean is not Genes. Gene will be driving an Audi, as promised previously by the writers. I also had reported to you earlier that Rupert Graves would be appearing in an episode, well this would have to be one of his first pictures from the show.
The picture also features the lovely Keely Hawes not in a fur coat this time time. Watch out Keeley, Pamela Anderson and Pink have their P.E.T.A. posse just around the corner, don't put that jacket back on. I'm sure there is plenty of security on the set though. The picture almost makes Keely and Rupert, look like Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker or is it Han Solo, Rupert? Especially with that hair, and the interior or the car being reminiscent of a spacecraft of sorts. I bet you can't wait to get out of character Keeley.

I can't harp on about the Star Wars simularities any more, or I may find myself working for a womens magazine or UK tabloid "The Sun". Some of the Doctor Who fans, who visit the site regularly will know what I am talking about there. Its amazing how misinformation, congecture and out right rumour end up being news items. But I didn't say that, did I? Once again I would like to formally thank Mike, he tells me there are more pictures on the way.
In addition to Mikes contribution, Fran from Phillip Glenister Index and Dean Andrews Official site. Has also sent in some more pictures for us all to enjoy, from a recent set visit. Thank you as well Fran, and I envy both you and Mike myself being several thousand kilometres from all the action in Australia. The two of you are getting to see history being written or re-written as the case maybe. The picture below is one of Frans', and has the guys posing with their guns. This could quite easily be turned into a recruitment poster for the police, well one from that time period not now. It just wouldn't be PC would it?

'Til next time Martians peace, and I'll have to think of something new to call you all soon. Burn victims? If any of you out there happen to spy some filming for the show happening, your pictures are always welcome. Video is good too, we haven't had any of that yet but its most certainly welcome at the address in the links tab. Peace.
Mike cleared up a few things for us about the car and other cars used in Ashes To Ashes. I can't say too much without getting him in trouble, but what I can tell you is the Delorean is not Genes. Gene will be driving an Audi, as promised previously by the writers. I also had reported to you earlier that Rupert Graves would be appearing in an episode, well this would have to be one of his first pictures from the show.
The picture also features the lovely Keely Hawes not in a fur coat this time time. Watch out Keeley, Pamela Anderson and Pink have their P.E.T.A. posse just around the corner, don't put that jacket back on. I'm sure there is plenty of security on the set though. The picture almost makes Keely and Rupert, look like Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker or is it Han Solo, Rupert? Especially with that hair, and the interior or the car being reminiscent of a spacecraft of sorts. I bet you can't wait to get out of character Keeley.

I can't harp on about the Star Wars simularities any more, or I may find myself working for a womens magazine or UK tabloid "The Sun". Some of the Doctor Who fans, who visit the site regularly will know what I am talking about there. Its amazing how misinformation, congecture and out right rumour end up being news items. But I didn't say that, did I? Once again I would like to formally thank Mike, he tells me there are more pictures on the way.
In addition to Mikes contribution, Fran from Phillip Glenister Index and Dean Andrews Official site. Has also sent in some more pictures for us all to enjoy, from a recent set visit. Thank you as well Fran, and I envy both you and Mike myself being several thousand kilometres from all the action in Australia. The two of you are getting to see history being written or re-written as the case maybe. The picture below is one of Frans', and has the guys posing with their guns. This could quite easily be turned into a recruitment poster for the police, well one from that time period not now. It just wouldn't be PC would it?

'Til next time Martians peace, and I'll have to think of something new to call you all soon. Burn victims? If any of you out there happen to spy some filming for the show happening, your pictures are always welcome. Video is good too, we haven't had any of that yet but its most certainly welcome at the address in the links tab. Peace.
A2A Season One,
Keeley Hawes,
Life On Mars Crossover
Monday, September 3, 2007
Back To The Past Or Future?
You just don't know what I'm talking about, do you Martians? In the last post, I featured 2 pictures which had been sent to me courtesy of PGI. The second picture, the group shot also featured a car in the background besides "the gang". It was a little hard to make out, all that was really exposed in the picture was the boot. That car though has been made famous before (via film), and has connections to time travel already. Still dont know what it is? Well Martians the car is none other than the Delorean DMC-12.
The Delorean DMC-12 was released in 1981, and ended its model run rather quickly in 1983. It came to be a very well known car several years after this in 1985, when it was portrayed in the "Back To The Future" series of films as a time machine. Apparently the way to travel through time, isn't via accidents or blue police boxes. It happens after you exceed 88mph in one of these, well that's what those movies lead us to believe any way.
We had been previously told the gang would use an Audi in Ashes To Ashes, at present it is unknown whether this is still the case or not. If it isn't, this could be one of the shortest series ever. All Alex would need to do to get back to present day, is take a drive in the Delorean and get it up to 88. Of course around London this may prove be a little difficult, but on an open country road she might even be able to do it within a couple of episodes. This is giving her a chance to get used to 1981 first.
The shows parent series Life On Mars, saw Sam Tyler return to 2007 after 2 series. It is my personal hope that the same format is not followed with Alex Drake, as it would make the show quite predictable. Life On Mars certainly was not predictable, especially its ending. What I would like to see, is Gene being able to come back the present with Alex. A story arc like this could be very cool indeed, and would take the show in a completely different direction. It would also offer a kind of role reversal for the 2 main stars, and set up the next series for Gene (that's if another is planned).
Several UK columnists have already speculated during Life On Mars's run about what it would be like to bring Gene into present day, it would be chaos. Gene would be up on sexual harassment on his first day, sacked for drinking on the job or in trouble for being a racist. This has been done before, but only in crappy romantic comedies featuring has-beens such as Meg Ryan. Sorry Meg, but its what you are. Your next job will be as a kid stars Mother, but that won't occur for another 5 years or so (just joking).
I'm getting off the point of this post now, aren't I? Okay back to the Delorean. During my web scouring over the last couple of days, I stumbled over another picture featuring the car more clearly. The picture below shows the vehicle with the guys, only this time with its famous gull wing doors open. If you would like to know more about the Delorean, head on over to its Wikipeadia page here. An interesting co-incidence has occurred with the car and Ashes To Ashes. The series premieres in 2008 and the car is being re-issued then as well, so if you want one very soon you'll be able to get one again. 'Til next time Martians peace, and don't drive past 88mph unless your car also contains time circuitry.

(The Gang and the Delorean)

(Just the Delorean DMC-12)
The Delorean DMC-12 was released in 1981, and ended its model run rather quickly in 1983. It came to be a very well known car several years after this in 1985, when it was portrayed in the "Back To The Future" series of films as a time machine. Apparently the way to travel through time, isn't via accidents or blue police boxes. It happens after you exceed 88mph in one of these, well that's what those movies lead us to believe any way.
We had been previously told the gang would use an Audi in Ashes To Ashes, at present it is unknown whether this is still the case or not. If it isn't, this could be one of the shortest series ever. All Alex would need to do to get back to present day, is take a drive in the Delorean and get it up to 88. Of course around London this may prove be a little difficult, but on an open country road she might even be able to do it within a couple of episodes. This is giving her a chance to get used to 1981 first.
The shows parent series Life On Mars, saw Sam Tyler return to 2007 after 2 series. It is my personal hope that the same format is not followed with Alex Drake, as it would make the show quite predictable. Life On Mars certainly was not predictable, especially its ending. What I would like to see, is Gene being able to come back the present with Alex. A story arc like this could be very cool indeed, and would take the show in a completely different direction. It would also offer a kind of role reversal for the 2 main stars, and set up the next series for Gene (that's if another is planned).
Several UK columnists have already speculated during Life On Mars's run about what it would be like to bring Gene into present day, it would be chaos. Gene would be up on sexual harassment on his first day, sacked for drinking on the job or in trouble for being a racist. This has been done before, but only in crappy romantic comedies featuring has-beens such as Meg Ryan. Sorry Meg, but its what you are. Your next job will be as a kid stars Mother, but that won't occur for another 5 years or so (just joking).
I'm getting off the point of this post now, aren't I? Okay back to the Delorean. During my web scouring over the last couple of days, I stumbled over another picture featuring the car more clearly. The picture below shows the vehicle with the guys, only this time with its famous gull wing doors open. If you would like to know more about the Delorean, head on over to its Wikipeadia page here. An interesting co-incidence has occurred with the car and Ashes To Ashes. The series premieres in 2008 and the car is being re-issued then as well, so if you want one very soon you'll be able to get one again. 'Til next time Martians peace, and don't drive past 88mph unless your car also contains time circuitry.

(The Gang and the Delorean)

(Just the Delorean DMC-12)
Saturday, September 1, 2007
More Set Pics
Greetings Martians, today I received 2 wonderful set pictures from the lovely Fran over at Philip Glenister Index. So I thought I'd share them with you. Below you can see Phil and Dean lounging in their deckchairs. The second one looks a little less planned. Thanks Fran. If you haven't checked out PGI its well worth your effort. The girls over there have a great site dedicated to all things Philip Glenister.
Other than these pics, I need to report that Ashes To Ashes.TV as well as Life On Mars.TV are now listed on Philip Glenisters official site. The poll is still going and I'm going to wind it up soon, so if you haven't voted nows the time. Also if you have poll ideas, as always use the comments section. 'Til next time Martians peace, and your photos are always welcome.

Other than these pics, I need to report that Ashes To Ashes.TV as well as Life On Mars.TV are now listed on Philip Glenisters official site. The poll is still going and I'm going to wind it up soon, so if you haven't voted nows the time. Also if you have poll ideas, as always use the comments section. 'Til next time Martians peace, and your photos are always welcome.

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Remember her name, Alex. . . . . .
Salutations all. Sorry for the title, it doesn't rhyme. It would have been a lot better if the writers had chosen Jane Drake for the name of its heroine, but they didn't. Again I am talking riddles. The title pays homage to the 1980 film "Fame", if you couldn't work it out. With good reason too, below we can see Keeley Hawes in one of her first candid behind-the-scenes pictures from the set of Ashes To Ashes.

Keeley clearly looks like she has just been to lunch with Richard Simmons, or maybe she's been to audition for Olivia Newton-John's Physical music video. Because she would be a year too early, to be watching Jane Fonda's Workout Tape on glorious VHS. Maybe even Betamax if she's one of the elite, but where is her Sony Walkman? Speaking of personal music devices, the previous post may very well have contained one too. Did you notice? If you didn't I'm not going to chastise you, I'll just show you instead.

Philip Glenister a 'Jesus Christ Superstar' moment?
Yes indeed our Phil seems to be carrying a mobile phone or an mp3 player, either way they both can play music. Neither of them were available in 1981, so lets hope this picture is candid on the way to filming and not during filming. Otherwise this could be compared to Jesus Christ Superstar, with the digital watches. Don't you just love a comedian? Oh and finally some additional casting confirmation, with Rupert Graves official website listing him as appearing in Ashes To Ashes. At this stage though, Rupert's character is unknown. 'Til next time Martians peace and I wonder what fashions we'll see next?

Keeley clearly looks like she has just been to lunch with Richard Simmons, or maybe she's been to audition for Olivia Newton-John's Physical music video. Because she would be a year too early, to be watching Jane Fonda's Workout Tape on glorious VHS. Maybe even Betamax if she's one of the elite, but where is her Sony Walkman? Speaking of personal music devices, the previous post may very well have contained one too. Did you notice? If you didn't I'm not going to chastise you, I'll just show you instead.

Philip Glenister a 'Jesus Christ Superstar' moment?
Yes indeed our Phil seems to be carrying a mobile phone or an mp3 player, either way they both can play music. Neither of them were available in 1981, so lets hope this picture is candid on the way to filming and not during filming. Otherwise this could be compared to Jesus Christ Superstar, with the digital watches. Don't you just love a comedian? Oh and finally some additional casting confirmation, with Rupert Graves official website listing him as appearing in Ashes To Ashes. At this stage though, Rupert's character is unknown. 'Til next time Martians peace and I wonder what fashions we'll see next?
A2A Season One,
Keeley Hawes,
Philip Glenister
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ammendments, Casting, Pics and Milestones
Greetings once again Martians. Today I bring you some goodies, a retraction as well as some site news. First the goodies, no not the 70's comedy show with Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Bill Oddie. If it were to be featured on any of my blogs it would be on and not here. The goodies I am referring to are the exceptional on-set pics, recently displayed on The Sun's website. The pictures not only offer us the first glimpse of our heroes in their 80's attire, but also advise us of one the first guest or supporting cast members.
In the pictures we can see quite clearly, an additional female police officer. This actress is none other than Montserrat Lombard. For those unfamiliar with Montserrat's work, she has appeared in "The Chatterley Affair", "The Midsommer Murders" and most recently in "Hyperdrive" as Lavya. If you are interested in knowing what other roles she has been in, head on over to IMDB via this link to get the full credits on this new addition to A2A.
The retraction I am talking about, is the start date mentioned in the previous post. That news came via Philip Glenisters Official Website, which may have been the tentative date filming was due to commence. This quite obviously changed as the pictures below were taken and posted on the 28th of July. Hmmm, why didn't I pick that up then? Oh well the important part still remains accurate, and that is that filming is well and truly under way.
Now for the site news, I am going to announce this early because if I don't I'll probably forget about it later. That is has now been online for 100 days, yay!!! (He say's like Kermit the Frog, waving his arms around). At the time of posting this, the counter is only 18 hours off 100 days so I'm telling you now. That's it for todays posting, I hope you all enjoy the pictures below. 'Til next time Martians peace, and is Montserrat the next Annie? Perhaps shes's the girlfriend Chris the Div is seeing, we can only speculate.

First glimpse of A2A, and it looks like Chris will be
speaking like Michael Jackson in this one!
(Dean Andrews, where is Ray's promised perm?)
In the pictures we can see quite clearly, an additional female police officer. This actress is none other than Montserrat Lombard. For those unfamiliar with Montserrat's work, she has appeared in "The Chatterley Affair", "The Midsommer Murders" and most recently in "Hyperdrive" as Lavya. If you are interested in knowing what other roles she has been in, head on over to IMDB via this link to get the full credits on this new addition to A2A.
The retraction I am talking about, is the start date mentioned in the previous post. That news came via Philip Glenisters Official Website, which may have been the tentative date filming was due to commence. This quite obviously changed as the pictures below were taken and posted on the 28th of July. Hmmm, why didn't I pick that up then? Oh well the important part still remains accurate, and that is that filming is well and truly under way.
Now for the site news, I am going to announce this early because if I don't I'll probably forget about it later. That is has now been online for 100 days, yay!!! (He say's like Kermit the Frog, waving his arms around). At the time of posting this, the counter is only 18 hours off 100 days so I'm telling you now. That's it for todays posting, I hope you all enjoy the pictures below. 'Til next time Martians peace, and is Montserrat the next Annie? Perhaps shes's the girlfriend Chris the Div is seeing, we can only speculate.

speaking like Michael Jackson in this one!
(Dean Andrews, where is Ray's promised perm?)
Monday, July 30, 2007
A2A starts 2DAY
As reported earlier this week on, parent site to this one. We were alerted to the fact that Philip Glenister now has his own official website. The site was launched on the 20th of July, and gave fans an answer to a question which had been on the minds of many. That is the date which filming starts for Ashes To Ashes.
Phil's site informs us that filming commences today, the 30th of July. Well at least some which includes our Phil any way. We had been advised prior to this, that it was due to start some time in July. Well it only just made it, with one day to spare. At least we now know that it is well and truly under way. I am curious to know though, whether or not it is being filmed in episodic order. That being the case, within weeks UK citizens may catch a glimpse of a Royal Wedding. Not a real one, but a re-enactment of the wedding of Lady Diana Spencer and Prince Charles.
Then again they may just use archival footage. Our site poll seems to be going well, with the majority of voters so far only wanting one thing. You guessed it, the return of everyone's favourite DCI, Gene Hunt. The world obviously enjoys life without political correctness. Who better to give it to them than the patron saint of UN-PC, Gene Hunt. Southern Nancy Scum beware, Gene is coming back to wreck your Ant-music.
One thing I will be curious to see, as I am sure most fans will be as well. That is will there be any "Wedding Singer" type cameos in the series? Billy Idol played himself in that, and we were expected to believe he was 20 years younger. If it does happen, will we have Alex or Gene rubbing shoulders with the likes of Simon Le Bon, Boy George, Howard Jones or even Kate Bush? Not if Gene has any say in the matter.
'Til next time Martians, peace and look out Keeley now you've got the Gene-Genie.
Phil's site informs us that filming commences today, the 30th of July. Well at least some which includes our Phil any way. We had been advised prior to this, that it was due to start some time in July. Well it only just made it, with one day to spare. At least we now know that it is well and truly under way. I am curious to know though, whether or not it is being filmed in episodic order. That being the case, within weeks UK citizens may catch a glimpse of a Royal Wedding. Not a real one, but a re-enactment of the wedding of Lady Diana Spencer and Prince Charles.
Then again they may just use archival footage. Our site poll seems to be going well, with the majority of voters so far only wanting one thing. You guessed it, the return of everyone's favourite DCI, Gene Hunt. The world obviously enjoys life without political correctness. Who better to give it to them than the patron saint of UN-PC, Gene Hunt. Southern Nancy Scum beware, Gene is coming back to wreck your Ant-music.
One thing I will be curious to see, as I am sure most fans will be as well. That is will there be any "Wedding Singer" type cameos in the series? Billy Idol played himself in that, and we were expected to believe he was 20 years younger. If it does happen, will we have Alex or Gene rubbing shoulders with the likes of Simon Le Bon, Boy George, Howard Jones or even Kate Bush? Not if Gene has any say in the matter.
'Til next time Martians, peace and look out Keeley now you've got the Gene-Genie.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Drum Roll, Statement, Awe . . . . . . . . . .
G'day Martians, today I feel like Santa Claus with some very important news regarding the casting of none other than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alex Drake! Yes Martians finally the BBC have announced who has attained the much sought after role. The winning actress is Keeley Hawes.
Strangely enough in my previous post, I mentioned that Wikipedia had recently amended their Ashes To Ashes page with Keeleys name. I posted this news on the 15th of June, Wikipedia obviously has some great sources with inside knowledge. Its either that or they are damn good at guessing. Either way who cares, the cat is out of the bag now.

(Keeley Hawes cast as Alex Drake in Ashes To Ashes)
The official BBC announcement went as follows . .
"Spooks star Keeley Hawes has been cast as Philip Glenister's new sidekick in Life on Mars sequel Ashes to Ashes. The Tipping the Velvet actress will play DI Alex Drake, a psychological profiler from the present day who finds herself transported back to 1981.
Due to air in the New Year, the show will see Glenister reprise his role as politically incorrect DCI Gene Hunt. Hawes described her role as "a fantastic character who will be a force to be reckoned with". She said Drake and Hunt "locking horns in the eighties will certainly be a sight to behold, never mind the shoulder pads".
The second series of Life on Mars ended earlier this year with John Simm's character Sam Tyler deciding to remain in the 1970s. Ashes to Ashes, written and created by Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharaoh, will follow Glenister's character into the 1980s.
"Keeley will be fantastic as Alex 'Posh Knickers' Drake," said the shows executive producer Jane Featherstone. "She is sexy, ballsy and very intelligent, just like Alex. She's bound to turn Gene's egocentric life upside down."
Best known for playing MI5 agent Zoe Reynolds in Spooks, Hawes was recently seen in the BBC's modern reworking of Shakespeare's Macbeth and has voiced computer game character Lara Croft. She is married to former Spooks star Matthew Macfadyen, with whom she has two children."
Well it took long enough, thats's all I can say. You also may have noticed to celebrate all of this, I have redesigned the sites logo. I hope you like it, its possibly the first picture to include all 4 main cast members. Don't you just love Photoshop.
If you are a personal fan of the lovely Keeley, you may find this site of use Keeley, its possibly the best news source around for all things Keeley. 'Til next time Martians peace, and may Alex give Gene what he deserves.
Strangely enough in my previous post, I mentioned that Wikipedia had recently amended their Ashes To Ashes page with Keeleys name. I posted this news on the 15th of June, Wikipedia obviously has some great sources with inside knowledge. Its either that or they are damn good at guessing. Either way who cares, the cat is out of the bag now.

The official BBC announcement went as follows . .
"Spooks star Keeley Hawes has been cast as Philip Glenister's new sidekick in Life on Mars sequel Ashes to Ashes. The Tipping the Velvet actress will play DI Alex Drake, a psychological profiler from the present day who finds herself transported back to 1981.
Due to air in the New Year, the show will see Glenister reprise his role as politically incorrect DCI Gene Hunt. Hawes described her role as "a fantastic character who will be a force to be reckoned with". She said Drake and Hunt "locking horns in the eighties will certainly be a sight to behold, never mind the shoulder pads".
The second series of Life on Mars ended earlier this year with John Simm's character Sam Tyler deciding to remain in the 1970s. Ashes to Ashes, written and created by Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharaoh, will follow Glenister's character into the 1980s.
"Keeley will be fantastic as Alex 'Posh Knickers' Drake," said the shows executive producer Jane Featherstone. "She is sexy, ballsy and very intelligent, just like Alex. She's bound to turn Gene's egocentric life upside down."
Best known for playing MI5 agent Zoe Reynolds in Spooks, Hawes was recently seen in the BBC's modern reworking of Shakespeare's Macbeth and has voiced computer game character Lara Croft. She is married to former Spooks star Matthew Macfadyen, with whom she has two children."
Well it took long enough, thats's all I can say. You also may have noticed to celebrate all of this, I have redesigned the sites logo. I hope you like it, its possibly the first picture to include all 4 main cast members. Don't you just love Photoshop.
If you are a personal fan of the lovely Keeley, you may find this site of use Keeley, its possibly the best news source around for all things Keeley. 'Til next time Martians peace, and may Alex give Gene what he deserves.
A2A Season One,
Keeley Hawes,
Philip Glenister,
Site News
Friday, June 15, 2007
Alex Or Not?
Greetings Martians, as time creeps up on us all everyone is waiting in anticipation to find out who will play Alex Drake. Suggestions have been previously thrown around as to who will get it, but at this stage there has still been no formal announcement made by the BBC or Kudos. This announcement I expect to be made in the coming weeks, with filming commencing in July.
Up until now the hot favourite for the role was Thandie Newton, of Mission Impossible II and ER fame. We even did a poll on it here as to who you thought would be suitable. Unfortunately for Thandie she just did not cut it here, although the results were very close and nearly tied.
When the poll was run, there was only a couple names being suggested. Wikipedia has recently amended their Ashes To Ashes page, to advise us that Alex will be played by Keeley Hawes of Tipping the Velvet and Spooks fame. What it neglects to do though is mention where it sources this information. Keely's own Wikipedia page has not been up-dated, this may though simply be an oversight. One thing is for certain and that is, we will find out who Alex is very soon now.
'Til next time Martians, peace.
Up until now the hot favourite for the role was Thandie Newton, of Mission Impossible II and ER fame. We even did a poll on it here as to who you thought would be suitable. Unfortunately for Thandie she just did not cut it here, although the results were very close and nearly tied.
When the poll was run, there was only a couple names being suggested. Wikipedia has recently amended their Ashes To Ashes page, to advise us that Alex will be played by Keeley Hawes of Tipping the Velvet and Spooks fame. What it neglects to do though is mention where it sources this information. Keely's own Wikipedia page has not been up-dated, this may though simply be an oversight. One thing is for certain and that is, we will find out who Alex is very soon now.
'Til next time Martians, peace.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Amazing What Can Happen In 1 Day!
Well it is amazing Martians. Yesterday I was telling you that there was nothing really to report, I was wrong. After some further scouring I discovered a couple of news tidbits, to tickle your fancy. Ashley Pharoah series co-producer and writer has already finished writing the first episode, and is onto the second one.
Although he didn't really let anything go about episode one, other than how Alex ends up in 1981. Guess what? Well come on, okay I hear you. She doesn't get there via a car accident, like Mr Tyler. Alexs' travel to 1981 is through a coma, but is the result of her being shot in the head. Glad to see a spin on it, guys.
Episode two takes place during the wedding of Lady Diana Spencer and Prince Charles, so more than likely we will get to see some archival footage of the actual wedding rather than a re-enactment by some actors. Ashley goes onto to add that in the episode, Gene and the gang end up at the Blitz Club. Which is where the "New Romantic" genre of music is supposed to have stemmed from. Gene apparently hates New Romantics, referring to them as a bunch of southern poofs in make-up. Well, we are talking about Gene Hunt here.
The above information is courtesy of the July issue of Death Ray Magazine, go out and grab yourself a copy. Other than this, Marshall Lancaster was recently interviewed about the Life On mars Bafta Awards snubbing. He had a bit of a joke about it as well, but being, we'll skip that bit. I'll post it later on What I would like to mention her though is that Marshall is currently starring in a stage production of Wuthering Heights. After it finishes, he gets a couple of weeks off then its straight into filming Ashes To Ashes.
In the interview Marshall stated the following, "I'll be doing pretty much the same role. I've been described as a techno wizard this time, having been a bit of a div in the two series so far, and apparently I'll have a girlfriend, who gets kidnapped, but I better not say too much!" he said, stopping himself. Good to see Chris finally coming out of his shell, three cheers for the DIV!
Well Martians, that's probably the best news installment we've had so far covering the show. I do imagine this should continue from now on though, with the filming commencement rapidly approaching. 'Til next time Martians, peace and keep it UN-PC or you maybe the next nonce Gene (Philip Glenister) Kicks!
Although he didn't really let anything go about episode one, other than how Alex ends up in 1981. Guess what? Well come on, okay I hear you. She doesn't get there via a car accident, like Mr Tyler. Alexs' travel to 1981 is through a coma, but is the result of her being shot in the head. Glad to see a spin on it, guys.
Episode two takes place during the wedding of Lady Diana Spencer and Prince Charles, so more than likely we will get to see some archival footage of the actual wedding rather than a re-enactment by some actors. Ashley goes onto to add that in the episode, Gene and the gang end up at the Blitz Club. Which is where the "New Romantic" genre of music is supposed to have stemmed from. Gene apparently hates New Romantics, referring to them as a bunch of southern poofs in make-up. Well, we are talking about Gene Hunt here.
The above information is courtesy of the July issue of Death Ray Magazine, go out and grab yourself a copy. Other than this, Marshall Lancaster was recently interviewed about the Life On mars Bafta Awards snubbing. He had a bit of a joke about it as well, but being, we'll skip that bit. I'll post it later on What I would like to mention her though is that Marshall is currently starring in a stage production of Wuthering Heights. After it finishes, he gets a couple of weeks off then its straight into filming Ashes To Ashes.
In the interview Marshall stated the following, "I'll be doing pretty much the same role. I've been described as a techno wizard this time, having been a bit of a div in the two series so far, and apparently I'll have a girlfriend, who gets kidnapped, but I better not say too much!" he said, stopping himself. Good to see Chris finally coming out of his shell, three cheers for the DIV!
Well Martians, that's probably the best news installment we've had so far covering the show. I do imagine this should continue from now on though, with the filming commencement rapidly approaching. 'Til next time Martians, peace and keep it UN-PC or you maybe the next nonce Gene (Philip Glenister) Kicks!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
First Poll Results.
Still nothing really to report, no confirmations on casting yet other than Gene, Chris and Ray. I guess Kudos are trying to keep us all in suspense, or maybe they are just simply using the George Lucas / Russell T Davies method of information dispersal. Damn! No fair! Any way Martians, some site news for you. Our first poll has now finally closed, we also have a new one for you as well.
Firstly though, the results. While at the beginning of the poll things seemed to be going in favour of the gorgeous Thandie (well I think she is any way), the tables turned at the mid way point. From personal feedback, namely being from Philip Glenister Index. It was discovered that most of the no voters, seemed to be female. Hmmm perhaps if the new lead character was male like Sam, and played by a pretty boy such as Brad Pitt for example, we may have seen the same from male voters. Just speculating really, ahem.
The results ended up being quite close with the Yes voters being 41%, the No voters being 46% and the undecided or maybe voters being a total of 14%.

I also mentioned we were starting a new poll, well its next to this post you can't miss it. The new poll asks the question, "What are you looking forward to seeing the most in Ashes To Ashes?". I've cast my vote, I'm for the Gene - Genie? So what are you looking forward to? This time around the poll includes an "other" section where you can place your own option if its not listed, please don't abuse this. 'Til next time Martians, peace and funk to funky!
Firstly though, the results. While at the beginning of the poll things seemed to be going in favour of the gorgeous Thandie (well I think she is any way), the tables turned at the mid way point. From personal feedback, namely being from Philip Glenister Index. It was discovered that most of the no voters, seemed to be female. Hmmm perhaps if the new lead character was male like Sam, and played by a pretty boy such as Brad Pitt for example, we may have seen the same from male voters. Just speculating really, ahem.
The results ended up being quite close with the Yes voters being 41%, the No voters being 46% and the undecided or maybe voters being a total of 14%.

I also mentioned we were starting a new poll, well its next to this post you can't miss it. The new poll asks the question, "What are you looking forward to seeing the most in Ashes To Ashes?". I've cast my vote, I'm for the Gene - Genie? So what are you looking forward to? This time around the poll includes an "other" section where you can place your own option if its not listed, please don't abuse this. 'Til next time Martians, peace and funk to funky!
Philip Glenister,
Poll Results,
Site News
Friday, May 18, 2007
Still Not Much :(
Yes now smileys can be used in post titles as well. Okay that was lame, but the amount of news circulating about Ashes To Ashes has also been quite lame. It is still early days though. Other than news of a new film staring Philip Glenister and John Simm (more news about this over at called "Tuesday", very little has been divulged since the last post. Oh, filming starts in July for A2A, had I mentioned that? Maybe not.
A poll was started on this site several weeks ago, about whether or not you thought Thandie Newton would make a good Alex Drake (Gene Hunts assistant and lead female character). Well after an initial rush of yes voters, the poll seems to have now become a lot more balanced. With yes only leading by 2 votes (at the time of writing this). If you haven't voted in the poll yet, here is some more information relating to the casting of the character Alex Drake.
Thandie is the actress everyone seems to be tipping for the role in the media, though other actresses names have now come to air. Other women being looked at for Alex Drake are, Lisa Faulkner (Spooks & New Street Law) and also Liz May Brice from Bad Girls. So if you don't like the idea of Thandie Newton opposite our Hero Philip Glenister and you would prefer one of the other hot tips, vote no. The poll will be ending very shortly, and the results will be posted soon. So if you haven't voted yet or have changed your vote preference, give it go in the links bar next to the post.
'Til next time Martians, when hopefully I will have something more substantial, peace.
A poll was started on this site several weeks ago, about whether or not you thought Thandie Newton would make a good Alex Drake (Gene Hunts assistant and lead female character). Well after an initial rush of yes voters, the poll seems to have now become a lot more balanced. With yes only leading by 2 votes (at the time of writing this). If you haven't voted in the poll yet, here is some more information relating to the casting of the character Alex Drake.
Thandie is the actress everyone seems to be tipping for the role in the media, though other actresses names have now come to air. Other women being looked at for Alex Drake are, Lisa Faulkner (Spooks & New Street Law) and also Liz May Brice from Bad Girls. So if you don't like the idea of Thandie Newton opposite our Hero Philip Glenister and you would prefer one of the other hot tips, vote no. The poll will be ending very shortly, and the results will be posted soon. So if you haven't voted yet or have changed your vote preference, give it go in the links bar next to the post.
'Til next time Martians, when hopefully I will have something more substantial, peace.
A2A Season One,
Philip Glenister,
Site News
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Its been done before, sort of . . . .
Now I bet by that title, you're all thinking he's gone nuts and is stating the obvious. Of course it has, its a spin-off of LifeOnMars so it will share some similarities. That's not what I getting at, not at all. In 1999 British independent filmmaker Wayne Gerard, released a film called "Ashes To Ashes".
Although its a movie and this blog is about the forthcoming TV series, their are shared concepts in both. The movie while not being a police drama, is set in the early 70's (like LOM), A2A (the series) will be set in the 80's. The movie deals with political incorrectness, racism and sexism so does LOM and A2A is expected to do the same (to perhaps a lesser degree being the 80's).
The movie Ashes To Ashes is about a screenwriter, currently writing a play called Ashes To Ashes. In LOM there is a character called Nelson, who is the local Barkeeper at the "Railway Arms". While at this stage it is unknown whether Nelson will appear in A2A (the series), there is also a character in the movie "Ashes To Ashes" called Nelson.
The movie "Ashes To Ashes" won Get Out There Magazines' Best Film Award in 2000, it also received, Best Advert and Best Promotional Film. Get Out There Magazine is believe it or not a Canadian sports Magazine. Ashes To Ashes was submitted to the Raindance Film Festival in 1999, where it was described as "Kung-Fu with an arty London twist in a stylish debut".
The movies' website can be found here, if you are inclined to investigate this at all, a trailer can also be seen at the official site. That's pretty much it, so title, Nelson, political incorrectness, retro time period and also made in the UK. Quite a few similarities really, any way time for me to go. Later Martians!
Although its a movie and this blog is about the forthcoming TV series, their are shared concepts in both. The movie while not being a police drama, is set in the early 70's (like LOM), A2A (the series) will be set in the 80's. The movie deals with political incorrectness, racism and sexism so does LOM and A2A is expected to do the same (to perhaps a lesser degree being the 80's).
The movie Ashes To Ashes is about a screenwriter, currently writing a play called Ashes To Ashes. In LOM there is a character called Nelson, who is the local Barkeeper at the "Railway Arms". While at this stage it is unknown whether Nelson will appear in A2A (the series), there is also a character in the movie "Ashes To Ashes" called Nelson.
The movie "Ashes To Ashes" won Get Out There Magazines' Best Film Award in 2000, it also received, Best Advert and Best Promotional Film. Get Out There Magazine is believe it or not a Canadian sports Magazine. Ashes To Ashes was submitted to the Raindance Film Festival in 1999, where it was described as "Kung-Fu with an arty London twist in a stylish debut".
The movies' website can be found here, if you are inclined to investigate this at all, a trailer can also be seen at the official site. That's pretty much it, so title, Nelson, political incorrectness, retro time period and also made in the UK. Quite a few similarities really, any way time for me to go. Later Martians!
Site Stuff
Hello Everybody, still got to work on a name for you all. As you can see, the site has just gone through a design overhaul. Strange thing to do when there are only a couple posts, so far. Well there is a reason behind it, all of my sites now have the same kind of template and look. That's right they have all changed, even ReAnimator Digest and Torchwood PR (which I share wit POP, CPotey & Raxxie) all now have a simillar look and feel to them. I hope you like the change.
That aside feedback on the sites first poll, is coming in fast. Initially it looked Thandie was a goer, at least in our pollers eyes it did. That soon changed however, with the no's catching up to the yes please's very quickly. A pattern is starting to emerge though, it seems most males are the "yes" vote and most females are the "no" vote. Hmmm, perhaps there is a bit buried jealousy there girls? No? Just joking. Any way if you haven't voted yet, throw your opinion into the mix by voting in the poll.
Also a quick word about, there is a poll going on over there as well. The LOM.TV poll deals with what your favourite Season One episode was, can you remember that far back? No? Well for your convenience there is a link to episode breakdowns, just underneath the poll check it out (they are in breif). The poll will be extended until the end of this week, to get the numbers up a bit as voting numbers were rather low.
So please if you haven't yet, vote in the polls (both of them). You know you want to. 'Til next time Martians, peace.
That aside feedback on the sites first poll, is coming in fast. Initially it looked Thandie was a goer, at least in our pollers eyes it did. That soon changed however, with the no's catching up to the yes please's very quickly. A pattern is starting to emerge though, it seems most males are the "yes" vote and most females are the "no" vote. Hmmm, perhaps there is a bit buried jealousy there girls? No? Just joking. Any way if you haven't voted yet, throw your opinion into the mix by voting in the poll.
Also a quick word about, there is a poll going on over there as well. The LOM.TV poll deals with what your favourite Season One episode was, can you remember that far back? No? Well for your convenience there is a link to episode breakdowns, just underneath the poll check it out (they are in breif). The poll will be extended until the end of this week, to get the numbers up a bit as voting numbers were rather low.
So please if you haven't yet, vote in the polls (both of them). You know you want to. 'Til next time Martians, peace.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Downloadables #1
Do you like the new logo? If your answer is yes, that's great. I've made it available for you as a desktop, this will be the first of a range of downloadable goodies. In addition to this I am hoping to put up some screensavers, icons and other items.
The official Ashes To Ashes site, when it goes live will more than likely put up some goodies for you. As was done with Life On Mars, but while we all wait for them, here is the first of mine. Hope you like it, its been done at 800x600 resolution. Cheers,

(Simply click the image, wait for the larger version to appear, right click and select "Save Picture As . . .". What could be simpler, even Chris Skelton could do it.)
The official Ashes To Ashes site, when it goes live will more than likely put up some goodies for you. As was done with Life On Mars, but while we all wait for them, here is the first of mine. Hope you like it, its been done at 800x600 resolution. Cheers,

(Simply click the image, wait for the larger version to appear, right click and select "Save Picture As . . .". What could be simpler, even Chris Skelton could do it.)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
A2A vs LOM - known differences and similarities
I promised this a few posts ago, and didn't deliver. So here it is a little late, but still providing the needed details. As time progresses and more knowledge comes to hand, I will expand on this and edit it where necessary.
A2A: Set in 2008
LOM: Set in 2006
A2A: Named after Ashes To Ashes by David Bowie
LOM: Named after Life On Mars by David Bowie
A2A: DCI Alex Drake has an accident and wakes up in 1981
LOM: DCI Sam Tyler has an accident and wakes up in 1973
A2A: Alex is a DI in 1981 under DCI Gene Hunt (London)
LOM: Sam is a DI in 1973 under DCI Gene Hunt (Manchester)
A2A: Team - Gene Hunt, Alex Drake, Chris Skelton & Ray Carling
LOM: Team - Gene Hunt, Sam Tyler, Chris Skelton, Ray Carling & Annie Cartwright
A2A: Car - Fluroescent Orange Audi Quattro
LOM: Car - Brown Ford Cortina
A2A: Location - Brixton
LOM: Location - Manchester
A2A: Alex Drake is a single mother in 2008
LOM: Sam Tyler has a girlfriend in 2006 (Mya)
A2A: Chris has a girlfriend and is a Div.
LOM: Chris is single and a Div.
A2A: Features music from The Human League, Adam & the Ants, Roxy Music & others
LOM: Features music from The Sweet, David Bowie, Slade, T-Rex & others
A2A: Crimes solved by utilizing computer systems full of data (3 Kilobytes)
LOM: Crimes solved with the aid of filling cabinets full of paper
Not a great deal there to tell you so far, but this will be bookmarked in the links bar. It will also be frequently updated, so keep checking back. If there is any part of it, that you feel is wrong or you have something to add, please email me at the address listed underneath the Chatbox. 'Til next next time Martians, peace.
A2A: Set in 2008
LOM: Set in 2006
A2A: Named after Ashes To Ashes by David Bowie
LOM: Named after Life On Mars by David Bowie
A2A: DCI Alex Drake has an accident and wakes up in 1981
LOM: DCI Sam Tyler has an accident and wakes up in 1973
A2A: Alex is a DI in 1981 under DCI Gene Hunt (London)
LOM: Sam is a DI in 1973 under DCI Gene Hunt (Manchester)
A2A: Team - Gene Hunt, Alex Drake, Chris Skelton & Ray Carling
LOM: Team - Gene Hunt, Sam Tyler, Chris Skelton, Ray Carling & Annie Cartwright
A2A: Car - Fluroescent Orange Audi Quattro
LOM: Car - Brown Ford Cortina
A2A: Location - Brixton
LOM: Location - Manchester
A2A: Alex Drake is a single mother in 2008
LOM: Sam Tyler has a girlfriend in 2006 (Mya)
A2A: Chris has a girlfriend and is a Div.
LOM: Chris is single and a Div.
A2A: Features music from The Human League, Adam & the Ants, Roxy Music & others
LOM: Features music from The Sweet, David Bowie, Slade, T-Rex & others
A2A: Crimes solved by utilizing computer systems full of data (3 Kilobytes)
LOM: Crimes solved with the aid of filling cabinets full of paper
Not a great deal there to tell you so far, but this will be bookmarked in the links bar. It will also be frequently updated, so keep checking back. If there is any part of it, that you feel is wrong or you have something to add, please email me at the address listed underneath the Chatbox. 'Til next next time Martians, peace.
A2A Season One,
Life On Mars Crossover
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The Bowie Factor
Hello again, two posts ago I gave you the lyrics to David Bowies' Ashes To Ashes. As the series is named after the song, and was incidentally released on the 1st of August 1980 not in 1981 which the series is set. I have decided to give you the video, featuring Bowie in his famously outlandish attire.
Bowies' clothes in the video are no real indication as to what to expect of the shows featured clothing. Nobody roamed the streets in clown costumes or dressed as astronauts. What we can look forward to though is Ray sporting a perm, which will more than likely make him look like Prince than David Bowie. Not that I am dissin' David Bowie's dress sense, but many would.
Any way, here is David Bowies' Ashes To Ashes, I hope you enjoy it. Before you watch it though ponder this, Marshall Lancaster (Chris Skelton in the show) and David Bowie share one strange oddity they both have two different coloured eyes. Imagine how this could be recreated in the show, 'til next time people.
Bowies' clothes in the video are no real indication as to what to expect of the shows featured clothing. Nobody roamed the streets in clown costumes or dressed as astronauts. What we can look forward to though is Ray sporting a perm, which will more than likely make him look like Prince than David Bowie. Not that I am dissin' David Bowie's dress sense, but many would.
Any way, here is David Bowies' Ashes To Ashes, I hope you enjoy it. Before you watch it though ponder this, Marshall Lancaster (Chris Skelton in the show) and David Bowie share one strange oddity they both have two different coloured eyes. Imagine how this could be recreated in the show, 'til next time people.
Sam Tyler in A2A?
Will Sam Tyler (John Simm), be making an appearance in the continuing adventures of Gene Hunt? That's question on the end of everyone's tongues, at present. The answer according to Matthew Graham (Series Creator) is quite simply, no. Graham stated recently in an interview with the Daily Mirror, that when Sam Tyler jumped off the roof of the station in 2006, he killed himself.
"What I was trying to say is that he's died, and that for however long that last second of life is going to be, it will stretch out for an age, as an eternity for Sam. When he drives off in that car, he's really driving off into the afterlife."
Although this seems pretty much black and white, the ending of Life On Mars was not. As Graham's ending was ambiguous, it left viewers wondering and pondering the question about Sam. This seems to be quite intentional, but John Simm has recently vented his fury over the way the BBC handled the second series, after the first was reportedly delivered on time and under budget.
In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Simm revealed how lack of funds and time angered the cast. "We were furious. I don't know where they get their wisdom from about how you reward a hit show. It made it not particularly enjoyable because the workload was just unbelievable." He then added, "It put me off doing a huge, high-profile TV show like that. Not forever, obviously. I'll get over it."
This doesn't seem to prove or disprove Sam's involvement in the Ashes To Ashes plot line, however. It is already known that DCI Alex Drake reads Sam's notes from when he awoke from his coma in 2006, in 2008. Perhaps Alex searches for Sam in 1981, this seems plausible as a plot line. Finding Sam Tyler maybe the quest that Alex will have to lead, in order to find her way back to 2008. I like this as a premise, anyway.
Doing this would leave it open for Sam to make an appearance in an episode, at least. In closing all I can say is, lets be hopeful. There are more stories involving Sam Tyler that could be told. Just remember, we know Major Tom's a junkie.
"What I was trying to say is that he's died, and that for however long that last second of life is going to be, it will stretch out for an age, as an eternity for Sam. When he drives off in that car, he's really driving off into the afterlife."
Although this seems pretty much black and white, the ending of Life On Mars was not. As Graham's ending was ambiguous, it left viewers wondering and pondering the question about Sam. This seems to be quite intentional, but John Simm has recently vented his fury over the way the BBC handled the second series, after the first was reportedly delivered on time and under budget.
In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Simm revealed how lack of funds and time angered the cast. "We were furious. I don't know where they get their wisdom from about how you reward a hit show. It made it not particularly enjoyable because the workload was just unbelievable." He then added, "It put me off doing a huge, high-profile TV show like that. Not forever, obviously. I'll get over it."
This doesn't seem to prove or disprove Sam's involvement in the Ashes To Ashes plot line, however. It is already known that DCI Alex Drake reads Sam's notes from when he awoke from his coma in 2006, in 2008. Perhaps Alex searches for Sam in 1981, this seems plausible as a plot line. Finding Sam Tyler maybe the quest that Alex will have to lead, in order to find her way back to 2008. I like this as a premise, anyway.
Doing this would leave it open for Sam to make an appearance in an episode, at least. In closing all I can say is, lets be hopeful. There are more stories involving Sam Tyler that could be told. Just remember, we know Major Tom's a junkie.
A2A Season One,
Life On Mars Crossover
A2A - What is known, so far
Here we are Martians or is "Burn Victims" what you'd like to be called now, at what I can only describe as being the first real post. As time progresses (pardon the time pun there), a name or moniker will arise for the fans. The BBC have issued a press statement, about the show which you can view below. But in addition to this, it is already known that the main contender for the role of Alex Drake at this stage is none other than Thandie Newton of "Mission Impossoble II" and "ER" fame.
According to the, the BBC has been inundated with agents from across the country pushing their actress of choice for the role. Thandie currently tops the short list, but other choices include "New Street Law's" Lisa Faulkner and "Bad Girls'" Liz May Brice. At this stage my money's on Thandie Newton, with Thandie in mind I've decided to add AshesToAshes.TV's first poll to the site. The poll can be viewed in the links bar, next to the post.

"DCI Gene Hunt (Philip Glenister) is back but he's no longer the self-styled "Sheriff of Manchester". Flanked by his faithful sidekicks, Ray Carling (Dean Andrews) and Chris Skelton (Marshall Lancaster), and drawn to the action and intrigue of the London Met, Gene turns his attentions to taking on the "southern nancy" criminal scum.
However, Gene does not expect to be thrown together with sexy, intelligent, DCI Alex Drake. Single mother to daughter Molly, Alex has rapidly risen through the ranks of the Met and, in the modern world of 2008, skilfully uses psychological profiling to capture suspects. When Alex and her daughter are kidnapped she makes a daring attempt at escape, resulting in a horrific accident.
Alex suddenly finds herself in 1981 interacting with familiar characters, not just from her own life-time, but also from the detailed reports logged by none other than Sam Tyler, which Alex has previously spent months pouring over. Alex is ripped from her current world of sexual equality and respect in 2008 and finds herself opposite an arrogant fellow DCI in a Two Tone, New Romantic Eighties London with a soundtrack of Adam Ant, Roxy Music and The Human League ringing in her ears.
Alex finds some of Gene's team has dispersed yet others, loyal as ever, are still in tow. Now a technological whizz-kid in the squad's surveillance team, DC Chris Skelton has clearly moved with the times, along with a tight-permed DS Ray Carling who's keen to experience London's nightlife. Frustrated by each other's stubbornness, the friction between Alex and Gene heats up. However, as the two titans collide, it becomes apparent there is more than just a professional tension emerging.
With the producers' search to cast the strong-willed DCI Alex Drake currently underway, filming is due to begin in London this summer, for transmission on BBC One next year. Jane Featherstone, Executive Producer for Kudos, says: "Ashes to Ashes is the next chapter in the life of Gene Hunt, as seen through the eyes of a modern, no-nonsense woman. It's a touch of Moonlighting teamed with a measure of Miami Vice. "The search for Gene's sexy side-kick is definitely on; she'll hopefully give him a serious run for his money." Julie Gardner, BBC Wales Head of Drama, says: "Sam Tyler took us on an amazing journey with Life On Mars but his story always had a definite life span.
"However, fans will be excited to learn that Gene Hunt lives on through Ashes To Ashes and we're certain they will love his Eighties escapades." Ashes To Ashes is written and created by Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharaoh, two creators of Life On Mars, with additional writing credits for Mark Greig (Life On Mars), Mick Ford (William And Mary) and Julie Rutterford (Life On Mars).
It is produced by Kudos, in association with Monastic Productions, the new production company of Graham and Pharaoh. Graham also executive produces for Monastic Productions, alongside Jane Featherstone and Simon Crawford Collins for Kudos and BBC Wales Head of Drama, Julie Gardner, who has also commissioned the series. Ashes To Ashes, an eight-part series of 60-minute episodes, is produced by Beth Willis."
Well people that's what the BBC has to say at present, more will follow in the coming months and once filming has commenced. I hope this has been informative, the next post will cover the differences between LOM and A2A. Until then, I will leave you with the lyrics by David Bowie that inspired the shows' title, cheers.
Do you remember a guy that's been
In such an early song
I've heard a rumour from ground control
Oh no, don't say it's true
They got a message from the action man
I'm happy, hope you're happy too
I've loved all I've needed love
Sordid details following
The shrieking of nothing is killing
Just pictures of jap girls in synthesis and I
Ain't got no money and I ain't got no hair
But I'm hoping to kick but the planet its glowing
Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know major tom's a junkie
Strung out in heaven's high
Hitting an all time low
Time and again I tell myself
I'll stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again
I'm stuck with a valuable friend
I'm happy, hope you're happy too
One flash of light but no smoking pistol
I never done good things
I never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue, woh-o-oh
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now
Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know major tom's a junkie
Strung out in heaven's high
Hitting an all time low
My mother said to get things done
You'd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
You'd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
You'd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
You'd better not mess with major tom
According to the, the BBC has been inundated with agents from across the country pushing their actress of choice for the role. Thandie currently tops the short list, but other choices include "New Street Law's" Lisa Faulkner and "Bad Girls'" Liz May Brice. At this stage my money's on Thandie Newton, with Thandie in mind I've decided to add AshesToAshes.TV's first poll to the site. The poll can be viewed in the links bar, next to the post.

"DCI Gene Hunt (Philip Glenister) is back but he's no longer the self-styled "Sheriff of Manchester". Flanked by his faithful sidekicks, Ray Carling (Dean Andrews) and Chris Skelton (Marshall Lancaster), and drawn to the action and intrigue of the London Met, Gene turns his attentions to taking on the "southern nancy" criminal scum.
However, Gene does not expect to be thrown together with sexy, intelligent, DCI Alex Drake. Single mother to daughter Molly, Alex has rapidly risen through the ranks of the Met and, in the modern world of 2008, skilfully uses psychological profiling to capture suspects. When Alex and her daughter are kidnapped she makes a daring attempt at escape, resulting in a horrific accident.
Alex suddenly finds herself in 1981 interacting with familiar characters, not just from her own life-time, but also from the detailed reports logged by none other than Sam Tyler, which Alex has previously spent months pouring over. Alex is ripped from her current world of sexual equality and respect in 2008 and finds herself opposite an arrogant fellow DCI in a Two Tone, New Romantic Eighties London with a soundtrack of Adam Ant, Roxy Music and The Human League ringing in her ears.
Alex finds some of Gene's team has dispersed yet others, loyal as ever, are still in tow. Now a technological whizz-kid in the squad's surveillance team, DC Chris Skelton has clearly moved with the times, along with a tight-permed DS Ray Carling who's keen to experience London's nightlife. Frustrated by each other's stubbornness, the friction between Alex and Gene heats up. However, as the two titans collide, it becomes apparent there is more than just a professional tension emerging.
With the producers' search to cast the strong-willed DCI Alex Drake currently underway, filming is due to begin in London this summer, for transmission on BBC One next year. Jane Featherstone, Executive Producer for Kudos, says: "Ashes to Ashes is the next chapter in the life of Gene Hunt, as seen through the eyes of a modern, no-nonsense woman. It's a touch of Moonlighting teamed with a measure of Miami Vice. "The search for Gene's sexy side-kick is definitely on; she'll hopefully give him a serious run for his money." Julie Gardner, BBC Wales Head of Drama, says: "Sam Tyler took us on an amazing journey with Life On Mars but his story always had a definite life span.
"However, fans will be excited to learn that Gene Hunt lives on through Ashes To Ashes and we're certain they will love his Eighties escapades." Ashes To Ashes is written and created by Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharaoh, two creators of Life On Mars, with additional writing credits for Mark Greig (Life On Mars), Mick Ford (William And Mary) and Julie Rutterford (Life On Mars).
It is produced by Kudos, in association with Monastic Productions, the new production company of Graham and Pharaoh. Graham also executive produces for Monastic Productions, alongside Jane Featherstone and Simon Crawford Collins for Kudos and BBC Wales Head of Drama, Julie Gardner, who has also commissioned the series. Ashes To Ashes, an eight-part series of 60-minute episodes, is produced by Beth Willis."
Well people that's what the BBC has to say at present, more will follow in the coming months and once filming has commenced. I hope this has been informative, the next post will cover the differences between LOM and A2A. Until then, I will leave you with the lyrics by David Bowie that inspired the shows' title, cheers.
Do you remember a guy that's been
In such an early song
I've heard a rumour from ground control
Oh no, don't say it's true
They got a message from the action man
I'm happy, hope you're happy too
I've loved all I've needed love
Sordid details following
The shrieking of nothing is killing
Just pictures of jap girls in synthesis and I
Ain't got no money and I ain't got no hair
But I'm hoping to kick but the planet its glowing
Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know major tom's a junkie
Strung out in heaven's high
Hitting an all time low
Time and again I tell myself
I'll stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again
I'm stuck with a valuable friend
I'm happy, hope you're happy too
One flash of light but no smoking pistol
I never done good things
I never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue, woh-o-oh
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now
Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know major tom's a junkie
Strung out in heaven's high
Hitting an all time low
My mother said to get things done
You'd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
You'd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
You'd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
You'd better not mess with major tom
Monday, April 23, 2007
Gene Therapy

Welcome everyone, to the newest member of the family, Unlike, will focus purely on the much anticipated spin-off Ashes To Ashes. I will of course sometimes mention Life On Mars, but it will only be in reference.
Any way visitors, although the show has not started filming yet, many things are already known. Unlike its predecessor, Ashes To Ashes is set in 1981 not 1973. It has a female time traveller from 2008, not a male from 2006. The show is set in London not Manchester, and a lot more. I am not going to reveal everything here, this is purely just an introduction. Hope, you enjoy the rest of the blog.
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